Pursuing Reward at Al-Madinah Munawwaroh

Typically, the air in the city of Medina on the night to reach nearly 40 degrees centigrade during the day and can reach 50 degrees centigrade. felt, standing beside a fire and burn the skin of the face such as a burn and peel. But with all the month of Ramadhan and maghfiroh reward promised by God to be the motivation of Jamaah who visit Al Madinah Munawwaroh (the city's shining) as the pride of the city of Prophet Muhammad saw, so that extreme temperature just now is not a hindrance to worship.

Especially at night we can go to the Nabawi Mosque while enjoying the cool water Zamzam. In addition, the worship in the Mosque Nabawi also get a reward than a thousand degrees of worship in other mosques, except Masjidil Haram which reward a hundred thousand times. But not after a few Jamaah perform prayers in congregation ISYA select 'towaf' in the forest to concrete corral Nabawi Mosque. he said, there are nearby shops, shopping malls, public house, which offers various goods, from the hands of class hours, to a grass Fatimah. There are also a variety of shopping that arouse after fasting in the daytime, such as kebab, curry bread, and various types of dates. Moreover, the distance from the location to the Nabawi Mosque 'towaf' it's not so far, only about one hundred meters. Although close, but the air temperature is so extreme. When walking among us, the hot air directly catch the body and face can reach 40 degrees centigrade.

On the second day, Subhanallah, the weather in the city of Medina is really beyond a doubt, that is cloudy and cool. This makes all the more excited to Jamaah conduct of worship, pilgrimage and religious Sunna places to have a history. City of Medina has a lot of virtue, among others:

1. Do Shalat Nabawi Mosque in the main more than a thousand times of worship in other mosques in the world, except Masjidil Haram.
2. Raudha in prayer at the Masjid Nabawi with the walk and pray in the garden of Paradise.
3. Pilgrimage to the graves of the prophet Muhammad saw is the same as the Prophet visited the house while he lives.
4. Prayer in the Quba Mosque, the mosque that was first built by the Prophet when the Hijrah to Madinah, the same as the reward one time Umroh.

In addition we can also visit the historical places such as mosque or the mosque Kiblatain with two direction, that is, the Mesjidil Aqsa and one facing to the House. Down is the revelation of the form: Surat Al-Baqarah verse 144 which ordered the Prophet Muhammad to the Masjidil Haram.

We can also visit the mosques of the Companions of the Prophet near the location of "War Khandak". This is a very historic war where the people will be attacked by unbelievers and the Prophet Muhammad Companions dig trench as the bunker so that the heathen can not be obstructed because of the trench. There is also the location of a mountain Uhud place where the terrible war to defeat Islamic catastrophe and uncle of the Prophet, namely Hamzah.Of course not, we also can visit the market to date palm plantation near. There are dates of the Prophet. In hadith it is said that those who eat the palm of the Prophet as much as three, five, or seven-grain in the morning will be protected by God's power of magic, until tomorrow morning.

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