Fatwa MUI (Indonesian Moslem News): Muslims Haram Golput

Being the white (golput) forbidden by Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). Muslims are required in select General Elections (Elections) 2009. "Obligation to the nation of Indonesia to choose a leader. If the selected but have not chosen, to be unlawful, "said Commission Vice-Chairman of the MUI Fatwa Ali Mustafa Ya'qub explain astral conjunction of 'Ulama Fatwa MUI III in the District of Padang Panjang, Padang, West Sumatra. Ali was the case when contacted detikcom, Sunday (25/1/2009).

The measurements and the bad shape legislative candidates, presidential candidates (Capres) and vice-presidential candidate (cawapres) is very subjective? "The fact that there is still good. If there is no good, still have to choose. Selected the most keburukannya low level, "Ali supplement.

He explains, if left golput phenomenon, will be dangerous. "If I choose dangerous, can not have a leader," said Guru Besar Ilmu Hadith Sciences Institute of al-Quran (IIQ) is. This fatwa, is the continued moral obligation. "People do not want to participate in elections is a sin according to Islamic law," according to him.

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